Advertising Photography Bucharest - Fotografia de advertising Fotografie Advertising - Horia Brenciu - Radio EuropaFM Advertising Photography Bucharest - Fotografia de advertising Advertising Photography Bucharest - Fotografia de advertising Advertising Photography Bucharest - Fotografia de advertising Advertising Photography Bucharest - Fotografia de advertising Advertising Photography Bucharest - Fotografia de advertising Advertising Photography Bucharest - Fotografia de advertising Advertising Photography Bucharest - Fotografia de advertising Advertising Photography Bucharest - Fotografia de advertising Advertising Photography Bucharest - Fotografia de advertising Fotografie Advertising Locatie - Corporate Offices Photography - Hala Griro Advertising Photography Bucharest - Fotografia de advertising Fotografie Advertising - Advertising Photography - Sectie Griro Advertising Photography Bucharest - Fotografia de advertising Fotografie Corporate Locatie - Corporate Offices Photography - Sectie Griro Schimbator caldura Advertising Photography Bucharest - Fotografia de advertising Fotografii locatie corporate - Corporate Offices Photography - Sectie Vulcan SA Fotografie Advertising - Horia Brenciu - Concert Romexpo 2014 Advertising Photography Bucharest - Fotografia de advertising Advertising Photography Bucharest - Fotografia de advertising Corporate Events Photography - Fotografie evenimente corporate Advertising Photography Bucharest - Fotografia de advertising Fotografie Studio - Dansatori Advertising Photography Bucharest - Fotografia de advertising Fotografie Advertising - Magazin Parfumuri Elysee Fotografie Persoane Publice - Vasile Muraru si Valentina Fatu Fotografie Fashion - Alina Puscas Fotografie Locatie Corporate - Corporate Offices Photography - Fabrica Ciment Cemrom

Studio and Advertising photography

Advertising Photography is broad term for any kind of photography that will be used for a corporate campain indoor, outdoor or online. Most of the time the photos are shoot in a photo studio (e.g.: our studio Venus Five). Product photography, fashion photography or business portraits can be done both in a studio and at the client’s location.

When we do Advertising photography we need to:

If we’ll do the advertising photography in the studio we’ll have the advantages:

The disadvantages of studio photography are:

The price and the length of advertising photoshoots

Fashion photography / Studio Fashion photography

When taking fashion photography, the focus is on the clothes, not the model. It is the same in the case of beauty photography where the focus is on the body care product.

In the case of fashion photography, the model usually does not look at the camera, the item is the Hero of the photograph. Furthermore, models with too much personality are not desired, as they take away from the viewer’s focus on the product.

Also, when taking fashion photography, the post processing also focuses on the products while the model is less important.

When taking fashion photography it’s important:

For more details regarding advertising photography or any questions  please do not hesitate to contact me.