In the classic photo albums the photos are glued to its pages. The Digital Photo Books are like a magazine covered in leather, with very thick pages and the pictures are printed inside.
What makes a digital photo book so special?
And recently, the digital photo books come at affordable prices!
I recommend you to print a Photo Book after each event. If you, for various reasons, don’t want a photo album, you’ll get at least some canvas photo-paintings printed by our hands, in our studio with the best photos from your event.
After you receive the retouched photos, you’ll have to select the pictures for the album and we’ll start to design the pages of the album. After we finish you will receive them for review, then the album will go to print.
If you need an additional copy of the album the cost of the design won’t be added.
I invite you to my studio so I can show you some Photo Books. You won’t regret it!