Curs foto bucuresti - Venus Five

Photography courses in Bucharest

Every Saturday in April 2021 we’ll host 3 online courses broadcasted LIVE pe Youtube of 2 hours each from 10-12, 13-15, 16-18.
See full curriculum on

Fill a form to see the FREE LIVE courses on youtube:

Why should people attend photography courses in Bucharest?

Every 2 minutes people take the same amount of photographs  taken during the whole 19th century. Out of all the electronic devices in the world the least “understood” is the photo camera.

People spend too much on the photo cameras and too little on the photography courses that would teach them how to use the cameras. “Regular” cameras produce the same type of photographs as the professional cameras, the latter only help you take photos faster or in difficult conditions (low light, rapid movement etc.).

Here at Venus Five Photography Studio, I Dragos Constantin and my fellow photographers offer three types of photography courses in bucharest:

How to choose a photography course

Every Saturday in April 2021 we’ll host 3 online courses broadcasted LIVE pe Youtube of 2 hours each from 10-12, 13-15, 16-18.
See full curriculum on

Fill a form to see the FREE LIVE courses on youtube:

Dates of next photography courses on
The courses will take place in Venus Five Photo Studio.

Have you never attended a Venus five photography course? Book a DEMO course right now!